Holistic Intuitive Oil massage 

Experience a transformative Holistic Intuitive Oil Massage session at karmayogi wellness in Pokahra. To enhance your holistic health we focus on energy system (Prana) and 10 major energy lines(Nadis) in the body. With holistic work on subtle energy lines with varieties of massage techniques and movements you will experience the profound balance in unexpressed emotions and trauma centers in the body.

Furthermore, this Massage will;

  • Uplift your intimacy level and relationship with others and with yourself.
  • Awaken spiritual level of love, kindness, and compassion.
  • Increase awareness and sensitivity towards daily life.
  • Improve your physical, mental health, mindfulness and self-care.
  • Allow you to connect with others in a positive and meaningful way.

Time: 60 Min & 90 Min

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